Village of environmental features Layzngan

Village of environmental features Layzngan

Lay Zangan village

The territorial :

Common methods for determining the climate of a region is used Mbrzhh. Criteria specified in this climate, annual rainfall (Moisture) و پارامترهای حداکثر درجه حرارت در گرم ترین ماه سال و حداقل درجه حرارت در سردترین ماه سال می باشد. Using this general approach is to calculate 12 different climate. D. In the city, according to studies, 5 of the climate system has been detected Mbrzhh. این اقالیم با توجه به وسعت عبارتند از: : ۱- بیابانی گرم و خفیف ۲- خشک سرد ۳- خشک معتدل ۴- نیم خشک سرد ۵- بیابانی معتدل می باشد که روستای لایزنگان در اقلیم نیم خشک سرد آن واقع شده است.

Mountain Lay Zangan

میزان بارندگی و رطوبت :

The amount of rainfall in Darab station in 15 years in the wettest month of the year ( month of Bahman ) It has been equal to 100 ml and the relative humidity of the city has been announced as at least 16% and at most 89%, which is the average relative humidity of the city equal to 52.5%..

Spring Lay Zangan

دمـــــا :

According to the information of the existing meteorological stations of the city, the average annual temperature of the city is about 20 degrees Celsius, with an average minimum of 3.7 degrees and an average of 38.6 degrees, while the absolute minimum temperature is 3.6 degrees.- درجه سانتیگراد و حداکثر مطلق ۹/۴۴ درجه سانتیگراد بوده است.

Lay Zangan village

توپوگرافی :

Laizengan village is located at the end of a valley known as Laizengan Strait and between several mountains, this village leads to the mountains from all directions and its topography and slope is very high, the lowest point of the village is 1937 meters above sea level. And the height of the highest point is 2146 meters and the slope percentage of the village is more than 15% on average.

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